Why is my water is still hard after the regeneration process?

You water may still be hard because the regeneration process was done incorrectly or not at the correct time. Always make sure you are checking it at the output of the softener.

Capacity of a Water Softener

How many gallons a softener will approximately make depends on the hardness of the water source and your water usage. To figure out the approximate capacity of your unit, take the grains of the unit (Standard 8,000/Double 16,000) and divide that by the gains per gallon (GPG) of the water source.

Standard Softener 8,000 / 11 GPG = 727 gallons 8,000 / 58 GPG = 137 gallons
Double Standard Softener 16,000 / 11 GPG = 1,454 gallons 16,000 / 58 GPG= 275 gallons

If you go too long before performing the regeneration process, a few things may happen: your unit may not last very long, or, after the regeneration process, the strips will not test between 0-2 GPG at the output of the softener. This can easily be corrected by performing a special regeneration process.
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